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Please see the below images and charts to see what sizes and weights your greenhouse will be packaged in.  All greenhouses can only be shipped to the nearest Mainfreight depot because of the weight.  They will need to be picked up with a trailer, and the depot will forklift it onto a trailer for you.  The glazing box (glass crate or poly box) contains the glazing and the rubber, and sometimes accessory parts.  The frame box contains the framing parts of the greenhouse as well as the component bag and instructions, and shelving slats if you order shelving.

Wondering how to get the glass off your trailer once you bring it home?  One panel at a time:)  Most crates take about 20-30 min to unload.  Just stack them with the edges protected, using the foam that comes in the crate.  It's not in the exact order you'll build the glasshouse, but once you get to the peices you need first, then you can put those directly into your build, stack the rest, and go from there.

All weights are in kgs. 











Please see chart below to see how many frame or poly boxes you will get.  Glass comes in a crate.










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