Agricultural and Horticultural applications
Windbreak fabrics are used in a variety of applications including protecting crops and plants from wind damage, protection from browsing animals and property privacy. For the commercial grower, the effects of strong wind can cause plants to dry out, wind burn and physical damage to crops
Installation of Windbreak Fences
Windbreak can be installed on frames, fences, timber poles or post and wire structures. For the most economical installation for your application, please contact our Sales Department. We can give you advice on the pole or post sizes and spacings required, wire sizes including billow wires if necessary and most importantly which of the following windbreaks are best suited for your application.
Windbreak Fabrication
All the windbreaks in this section are available in a variety of widths and lengths. All windbreaks can be manufactured to size and length required and can also fabricated with a hem and drawcord on the sides for pulling a wire through.